Lesson 6 - Setting Up a Free E-Mail Account
1. Yahoo
* Don't have a Yahooo! ID? Signing up is easy.
* Click here: Sign Up
* Create Your Yahoo! ID
* Check for Availability (Unique ID)
* Choose a special password
* Verify your Registration
* Agree to Terms of Service
You're ready for Yahoo e-mail!
2. Google
*Create an Account
*Check your Login name for availability
*Create a unique password
*Type the letters you see in the squiggly pictures
*Agree to Terms of Service
You're ready for Gmail!
3. Hotmail
* Under "Welcome" on the left-hand side, click on "Hotmail"
* Again on left-hand side, click on the gray rectangle: "Sign Up"
* Click on the orange arrow under "Free"
* Create a Windows Live ID
* Choose a unique password
* Type the characters you see in the picture
* Review and accept the Agreements
You're ready for Hotmail e-mail!
4. AOL
* Above the search field, click on "New Here? Sign Up"
* Create a Free e-mail Address
* Choose a Security Question and unique answer
* Verify your Registration
* Agree to Terms of Service
* Click "Submit"
You're ready for AOL e-mail!
Some Basic Rules of e-mail "Netiquette":
1. Don´t Spam! It's just wrong to send unsolicited e-mails to people you don´t know. You know how annoying it is to receive spam e-mail, so please don't send it.
2. Be Concise: Get to the point of your e-mail quickly, but don't leave out important details that will help the recipient answer your query. Identify the topic (and yourself, if appropriate) clearly in the subject line.
3. Mind Your Manners: Be polite. Be courteous. Despite the relative anonymity of e-mail, please remember the basic rules of common courtesy. Never swear or use obscenities in e-mails.
4. Be Professional: Stay away from abbreviations and emoticons (those little smiley faces). Don't use cute or suggestive e-mail addresses for business communications. Do not type in all capital letters: that is equivalent to YELLING in e-mail. Always use the spell check option. Respond to e-mails promptly.
5. Ask Before You Send an Attachment: Because of computer viruses, many people won't open e-mail attachments. Before sending an attachment or picture, etc., ask permission from the recipient.
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